An explanation of what we mean by energy movement within both partners is in the book Taoist
Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy .
It is not necessary for you to understand anything about astrology to be able to learn from the
above example “composite” chart how sexual energy patterns work. A “composite” chart shows two
people in combination. With some couples, the patterns are scattered, and others the patterns are
focused. The above is an example of focused energy. That is, both have the movement of energy
up their spines, and into their crown chakras, with seldom, and very little scattering. It comes in a
directed manner, automatically, and without spoken words about it. It is usually entirely intuitive.
In the above composite chart, it is showing the purpose of the relationship. It’s not like the
synastry in which energy patterns between the two are shown.
The synastry of the two people in the chart above is excellent with a great deal of harmony.
The purpose of this relationship is to take the mental (mercury) the emotional (venus) and the
sun (soul) and integrate the understanding, and experience, of it.
Pluto and Jupiter are opposing. The world stage, and the dance of life of these two partners,
are synchronized.
Saturn and the Midheaven are conjunct, so dealing with outside world (occupation) together is
Dynamic and hard hitting purpose with JUPITER OPPOSITION PLUTO and venus, Sun and
Mercury in between. The whole world is transformed by this relationship.
Venus is sextile Saturn, making the nature and purpose of this relationship very serious, and
long lasting.
Pluto square Venus makes this one of the most dynamic transformational journey’s of all time.
Neptune and Mars together make the strengh of mysteries, uncovered. Square of these two to
saturn and midheaven together makes for an uncovering of all mysteries of life for everyone
on the planet. This couple has an unusual influence on the people of the entire earth.